Wing 42
Time logged: 178:15
- Entry Time spent
- Left tank: part 3 (leak test and install) 3:30
- Left wing: aileron and flap fully riveted 1:00
- Left wing: nav light is on 1:00
- Left wing: wing tip 3:00
- Left tank: part 2 (Sealing back channel) 4:00
- Remaking left landing light cover - Part 2 5:00
- Left tank, part 1 (Sealing ribs and skin) 10:00
- Left tank match drilling, left wing root trailing edge 3:00
- Left wing skin misc clean up, and discussing panel with MPB 2:30
- Completing the right fuel tank 3:00
- Remaking left landing light cover - Part 1 6:00
- Left wing: landing light cover and fuel level sender 2:00
- Mocking left tank and filling rivets 4:00
- Right wing: lights and lens, wing tip and wing stand 12:00
- Prosealing the right fuel tank, left wing leading edge & lights 15:00
- Left top skin, and landing lights 2:00
- Misc work, but mostly fuel tank 2:00
- Right leading edge and fuel tank prep 8:00
- Right leading edge done 4:00
- Built the left flap 1:15
- Fuselage kit arrived, and left aileron 5:00
- Installing pitot tube 5:00
- Left bottom skin riveted 3:00
- Left bottom skin clecoed, and some rivet drilling 2:00
- Right aileron, flap, trailing edge, and left spar 3:00
- Right leading edge skin damage 1:30
- Lots of things going on the right wing, and starting on the left 9:00
- Right aileron part prep 2:00
- Right leading edge done 2:00
- Clecoing left ribs, and update on rivet gun 3:00
- Right top skin and leading edge 8:00
- Rib 9 fix, and starting right top skin 4:00
- right wing harness 4:00
- Working on right top skin and left ribs 2:20
- Right bottom skin riveted 3:00
- Right bottom skin fitting and an successful experiment 5:30
- Right spar assembly 4 complete, started assmebly 3 4:00
- Starting to rivet ribs to spar 3:00
- Cleaning left ribs, and found a crack 3:30
- Right wing ribs, and lots of debur 7:00
- Getting started on the right wing (rear spar and a few ribs) 6:00
- Wing kit and dimple template 0:10