
Working on avionics rack


  • Started to add components to avionics rack


With the top skin in place, I was able to confirm the location of the avionics rack and continue to work on the avionics rack.

Today I started to add electronic stuff onto the rack.

The rack is well labeled. I first assembled the “radio block” - 2 x GTR205xR radios, and a 245 remote mount. Then I just followed the label on the rack to attach different Garmin units as well as the back up battery etc.



GAD 29

The GAD 29C was interesting. I couldn’t find where it goes on the rack. So I sent a question to Midwest Panel Builders. They got back to me this morning and pointed out that it should go onto the panel, not the rack.

I will install it when I am ready to work on the panel.

Wiring test fit

Making sure the wires are laid out neat and tidy is a big challenge.

The wire already came bundled very nicely, the it’s up to me ot figure out the length of a few wires.

I spent some time trying to figure out the length of each comm coax wire. Since some of them connects onto the panel, I am not sure what’s the best way to get the precise length right now. Maybe I will leave a few inches extras before tying down the wires.

The main harness wire was a bit too long though. It’s long enough to make a loop below the rack before the plugs reaches out to the rack (see first pic). I suppose that’s fine, but I need to find a way to adel clamp the whole bundle without introducing much stress.

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