
Fitting control rods & prepping side skin


  • (Work in progress) tweaking control rods to rotate freely
  • Prepared side skin


Fitting the control rods

I started to fit the control rods (joystick assembly, aileron torque tube, elevator torque tubes, flap tube) to the fuselage. I seriously did not expect this step to take so much time.

I’ve spent upwards of 20 hours so far to get them to rotate freely. They finally rotate with a tiny bit of force on my finger, but they don’t “fall by gravity” as Evan demonstrated on his video. I have already shaved off so much material on the locking channel to get them to this state. I do not think I will keep shaving any more material. I think the amount of force required so far to rotate them is small enough, I can take it as a success as long as they don’t become worse when I put in rivets.

img These control rods takes forever to adjust

img Also take forever to adjust

Side skin

Before riveting the rods, I wanted to first put on the side skin. This way I will know for certain the skins and ribs are in their final position and I can check the control rods rotation one more time.

So I cleaned the side skin and dimpled as necessary. It’s a lot of hours, but definitely easier compared to fitting th control rods.

I have not riveted the side skin on yet. I will probably do that soon.

img Side skin dimpled

img Stringer and stiffeners needed on side skin

img Stringer and stiffeners needed on side skin

img Stringer and stiffeners needed on side skin

img I can’t dimple 3 holes, will buy a long throat c-clamp and try again


The control rod adjustment is so painful, I have to make a video!

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