
Day 1, setting up this site!


First a little about me. Hi, I am Fan. I am a software engineer living in the bay area. I enjoy flying and currently hold PPL and IFR rating. I learned flying around 2010 and I have been buzzing around ever since.

After a long time of pondering, I recently made deposit to a tail kit of Sling Tsi!

Since it will take a long time for the kit to arrive, I thought this is the time for me to get ready.

I’ve been stalking other people’s youtube and blogs for a while to learn how they progress through the journey. IMO it comes down at least a few big components: workshop preparation, sheet metal work, electronics, powerplants, painting. I’ve done some woodwork and built a few things in my garage in the past, but I don’t really have a much experience working with any of these. So next few months I plan to learn as much as I can in these areas.

Setting up blog

I am sure things will get messy at some point, I am trying to stay organized while I still have the luxury of time :) So today I spent a few hours to set up this blog to track future work.

I chose github pages and Jekyll as the infrastructure to run my blog. This is because they are free, and I like the idea of checking in blogs posts as code. Later if I need to revise anything, github will maintain a nice check-in history that I can refer back to.

Jekyll is a popular static site generation engine, and many people use it for blogging. I’ve never used it before, so I spent some time to go through some crash course.

Here are some notes for future me..

  • Installing Jekyll: official doc

  • Short youtube video to get started: here

  • Rebuilding and serving locally: bundle exec jekyll s

Adding time tracking

Tracking hours spent on task is important, so I poked around the theme I’m using and added support to track time spent on each task.

It displays below the blog title like so.

Time spent screenshot Time spent screenshot

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.