
Mounting elevator tip

Task completed

  • Countersunk and mounted elevator tip
  • Tried to install counterweight
  • Test fit elevator and horizontal stab

Elevator Tip

Last few days have been super productive. I mounted both elevator tips to the main assembly!

Following the work done last week, I am ready to have both tips fiber glass match drilled.

Ratchet strap

To prepare for the drill, I went to home depot and bought some cheap ratchet strap to hold the tip as close to the front as possible.



Then I drilled the countersink holes with 2.8mm bit, and other holes with 1/8 bit.


On the left side, the match between skin and tip is perfect. On the right side, I got an 1/16” gap. I plan to fill the gap with some filler, or let paint shop deal with it when it comes to paint. wip wip

Dimple and countersink

Next I dimpled the skin, which was pretty straightforward. The DRDT is already calibrated so I just pressed away. wip

The most unpleasant part of the task is countersinking. The composite is pretty soft and it has a notch above the holes to countersink. These things made it impossible to lay the countershink microstop flat on the surface.

I cut a small strip of aluminum roughly at the same thickness of the notch, and put under the microstop as a shim. Then the drill was able to lay (kind of) flat. I closely controled the drill speed to make sure it didn’t remove too much material. It took a long time to finish all 40 holes but the final result was ok. wip

Backing washer

On the back of the fiber glass I did the same thing as the rudder tip.I glued some small washer to provide more gripping surface for the rivets.

Instead of using superglue, I tried loctite 9460 which worked well. wip


Once all prep work is done, the final riveting was uneventful. Here is the completed state. tip_finished


I tried to install the center counterweight but wasn’t able to finish today.

When installing the four AN3 bolts, I didn’t have the right tools to hold the bolts in place to properly torque them down. I ordered crowfoot on Amazon and hopefully they will be able to do the job.

I also noticed the doubler plate’s rivet hole on the back of counterweight does not line up with the rib on elevator. It’s misaligned just by a hair, I will probably ream them to align, and maybe add some hysol to provide the extra strength.

Although as I am reading the Sling TSI Notification 0009, the counterweight is no longer needed. So I am not sure I want to install the counterweight assembly at all.

Test fit elevator and HS

Now that most of the elevator is done, I am able to test fit the HS and elevator together. I laid them on a table and connected the 5 AN4 bolts. It was a beautiful sight!!

I tried to rotate them, and there was no binding or anything. So I will continue to rivet the rest of elevator and move on the rivet filling as I wait for the Wing kit.

test_fit test_fit

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