
Left bottom skin clecoed, and some rivet drilling


  • Right bottom skin clecoed, and test fitted most rivets
  • Drilled almost all of the rivets from left

Bottom skin

I spent some time to cleco and test fit the bottom skin on the left wing.

The process is fairly standard, cleco, test fit every hole, remove cleco and try again. I repeated this process 3 times until most holes lined up without match drilling.

img Wing root side with cleco and rivets for test fitting

img The rest of the wing with cleco and rivets for test fitting

I inserted rivets to every hole (where I am supposed to rivet) except the center stringer. I am pretty sure I will have to match drill the stringer, so I did not bother align the holes perfectly. They still mostly aligned after clecoing, but rivets would not go in without significant force. I will leave the match drilling to the end when I am done riveting the main bottom skin.

What’d done different compared to the right wing

  1. I did the wiring differently on the left. Instead of riveting everything and threading the wire harness, I laid the harness into the stringer before even clecoing this time. I had more space to work with, and things went faster.
  2. I inserted the aileron tube before installing rib 8 and beyond. Same reason, I had more space to work with.
  3. I rolled the edge on the skin. I did not do this on the right side, and people on the sling builder group said it’s fine. But a few folks who did it said it made fuel tank fitting easier. So I rolled the skin edge while it’s still available.

Unriveting the right leading edge

I continued my progress to remove rivets from the right leading edge.

It’s not difficult, but I had to be very careful to avoid even further damage. I also made very slow progress because each drill reminded me of the silly mistake. So I just really didn’t want to do it.

Anyhow, I am almost done withe the top side. Only 5 rivets left. I will need some help (and more importantly, space) to flip the wing and do the back side. I supposed I have some time because the replacement part hasn’t arrived yet.

Space planning

The fuselage kit is on the way, but my garage is completely full at this point. I am thinking I will need to use some vertical space.

Maybe I will put the fuse kit on the floor, then wing crate on top. I will need to finish the wing kit, then dispose the huge empty crate, then I will probably have space to work the fuse.

Lots of moving parts, for sure!

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