
Clecoing left ribs, and update on rivet gun


  • Dimpled and clecoed all left ribs
  • Debugged rivet gun

Left ribs

My friend Daniel came over today to help.

Our plan: finish left rib 1, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11.

I gave Daniel a 5 minute crash course on how to use rivet gun and clecos. Then off we start!

The instruction was easy to follow, Daniel and I clecoed together rib 1 fairly quickly.

Rivet gun issue

Then we tried to rivet the parts. This is when the rivet gun gave up. Yesterday I had to pull a few times for the gun to grip. Today it just stopped working altogether after a few rivets.

We took the gun apart and cleaned everything. Inspecting visually, nothing broke. Hmm. We put it back together and tried a few more times, still no joy. So we could not really rivet anything today. We decided to just cleco everything together. In the meantime I bought a new Milwaukee M12 rivet gun. I thought about getting a Proset XT2. But my build session are almost exclusively at night, so the noise from compressor is a no-go for me.

broken_gun Nothing look broken, hmm

Back to ribs

So we continued to cleco stuff together. In the middle of the build I showed Daniel how to use dimpler (DRDT). Then he helped me dimple to each rib and angle pieces.

We had to take apart rib1 to dimple. We got lucky that we did not rivet everything together on rib1. Otherwise I would have had to drill out a few rivets to provide clearance.

Wrap up

We spent most of the afternoon in my garage clecoing ribs. It’s always fun to work with a friend. While the build can be done by a single person, it’s absolutely easier and more fun to have more people. #teamwork!

Here is the final product of the afternoon’s work.

ribs Ribs 1,6,7,8,10,11 clecoed and dimpled, ready to go

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.