Left tank: part 3 (leak test and install)
- Left tank passed leak test
- Installed the tank to the wing
- An issue with a single rivet
Leak test
After waiting for 1 week since I sealed back channel, I started pressure testing to check for leaks.
I pumped the tank to 1.0 PSI air at 3pm on Saturday. I know the pressure will go up a little as the day gets hottest by 4pm.
Indeed the pressure gauge needle moved up a tiny but didn’t make a significant difference.
I tracked the temperature, time and pressure for 24 hours, and logged the follow chart.
In a 24 hour cycle, the pressure started at 1PSI and came back to 1 PSI. In addition, the pressure held at 1PSI at the initial 3 hours. I think I can declare the tank is leak free at this point.
Installing onto the wing
After passing the leak test, I proceeded to rivet the tank onto the wing.
Most of the holes line up just fine, I needed to push them in with some force but no match drilling was needed.
I riveted everything except about 30 4.8mm rivets near the wing root. I want to use stainless steel rivets for those. It’s pretty late in the evening so I will leave that for another day.
Rib connections are torque sealed
Issue with rivets
I have to say that I am slowed down at unexpected times. This time, it’s a single rivet.
Rivet not breaking off cleanly
The mandrel of this rivet in picture is pulled, but broke off in the middle instead of at the root.
The mandrel is now too short to be pulled again, and it’s fully stuck in position.
I asked how others have been dealing with this on the facebook sling builder group, and it looks like most people’s opinions is to cut off the stem using a dremel and move on.
I guess I will do that…