Right aileron, flap, trailing edge, and left spar
- Assembled left spar
- Dimpled left bottom skin
I spent a few days to put together the left spar assembly. The process is definitely faster given I have gained some experience from building the right spar.
Everything came together quickly.
The rough sequence:
- ribs 6 - 1 go in first.
- Then flap tube
- Rib 7
- Aileron tube
- Then the rest of the ribs
- Then rear spar channel
Skin dimple
The dimpling process is very straightforward. The only thing is that I took extra caution to think about which side is up/down/inside/outside so the dimple direction is correct.
Then the rest is very much just mechanical work.
Special note on rib 9
In June 7’s blog I talked about there is a clearance issue between rib 9 and the rivet right next the rib (on the right wing). So the left wing has the same issue.
Following Sling Technical’s suggestion, I decided to cut a slot before even sending rib 9 to the spar. It’s much easier to cut a slot when the part has not been riveted. I first marked the place, then used 1/8 drill bit to create a fill holes. Then I used a flush cutter to cut the slot followed by lots of sand paper polishing.
A slot is created to accommodate the rivet that will later go in