
Moving wings to hangar


  • Moved wings to the hangar


Onto the truck

Rented a 20 FT U-Haul, I moved the wings to the hangar at E16.

I started the day at 10 AM to pick up the truck. After fueling, 5 people (me, my dad, my friends Weiyi, Matthew and Sciter) moved the wings onto the truck.

The sequence was carefully orchestrated.

We first moved one wing (right side) to the ground in my garage.

Then we put the left wing on two saw horses. I put it on the sawhorse instead of on the ground to keep the pitot tube touching the ground.

I then pushed the wing rack to the truck. The EZ-Ramp for the 20FT U-Haul truck is 2ft 2inches, exactly the same size to fit the two wheels of my wing rack.

Next, I locked the rack and we moved wings onto the truck one by one.

I adjusted the space of the wing on the truck, then tied the rack with the truck mounting points using 4 Home Depot ratcheting straps.

Lastly, we stuffed as much foam/bubble sheet as we could to every gap between the wing and the rack.

img Loaded and ready to go

img Another shot

Driving to the airport

Most of the drive was on highway. The road was not great, not terrible. Definitely the slowest 45 minute trip I’ve done recently.

Off the truck

Getting the wings off the truck was exactly the opposite of loading.

I first took off the sawhorse and set it up on the ground, then unloaded left wing on the sawhorse, and the right wing on the ground sitting on foam material.

Then I moved the rack in place, and we loaded both wings onto the rack.

img Unloaded to the hangar

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