
NACA Duct & Static port


  • Installed naca duct
  • Installed the factory static port


Naca ducts

I placed the naca duct on the fuselage, and match drilled 2.4mm holes.


The naca duct is very thin. I‘m not sure countersinking is safe enough here. I put some washer behind it to provide more gripping power for the rivets. And I used some RTV gasket sealant to seal the duct on the skin.





Static port

The factory designed static port goes in front of the naca duct. It also comes with a shield around it.

I already installed the Vans static port on the rear fuselage, I don’t really need the factory port. But since the holes are pre-cut on the skin, I thought I might as well install the ports in case I need them later.

The installation is pretty easy. I riveted the shield with 2.4mm countersink, and glued the port using some left-over proseal when I was building the fuel tank.


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