
Continue on wiring harness (part 3)


  • Installed the shunt
  • Continued to tidy up wire harness
    • Cable tied everything on the left rear of main spar
    • Connected power to cabin overhead
    • Connected tail harness
    • Connected GSA 28 for elevator
  • Pneumatic lines



All holes are pre-drilled on the firewall. I added a few rivnuts and screwed the shunt, done.



I spent a significant amount of time tidying up the wires. Still not done yet, but made some progress.

Nothing is particularly difficult, but extremely time consuming. I ran the wires back and forth a few times to make sure they have enough length on both ends (rack, and wherever they need to be). And I started to cable tie everything from back to front.

img Along the center console

img Tail harness connectors

Cabin overhead wires

4 wires from the harness needs to connect with the cabin overhead wires to power the cabin lights.

I elected to use GT150 delphi connector just because I have a few in my tool box. The process was slow due to spacing, but pretty straight forward following the wire diagram from MWPB.


Pin #Harness Wire #Cabin wire #
AAFR45B22Front light positive
BAFR19B22Front light negative
CAFR46B22Rear light positive
DAFR47B22Rear light negative


Pneumatic lines

Also connected the pneumatic plumbing in order to finalize the length needed to run through the center channel.


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