
Builing EAA 100 WorkBench

This weekend I spent the full 2 days to build a pair of EAA 1000 Workbench.

I started to buy material a few weeks ago from Home Depot. Following the online instruction, they wants 2 pieces of 4x8 MDF boards. My mini-van is simply not big enough, so I opted to use 4 pieces 2x4 MDFs and it worked out fine.

The whole process is very straightforward, just a lot of cutting and drilling. It’s a lot of manual labor work though. On the first day I borrowed my neighbor’s table saw and finished all the cutting.


And on the second day I started to glue/screw everything together. The process was a little slow in the morning, but I picked up speed in the afternoon.

I am quite happy with the end result, here is the finished tables.


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