Elevator trim tab fitting problem
As I start to fit the trim skin and piano hinge together, I immediately ran into several problems. Problem Piano hinge rivet holes do not align with trim tab skin Trim Channel shape does not...
As I start to fit the trim skin and piano hinge together, I immediately ran into several problems. Problem Piano hinge rivet holes do not align with trim tab skin Trim Channel shape does not...
Task completed Elevator skin (not including the tip skin) clecoed and tested for twist/straightness Added safety wire to trim tab piano hinge Details The last piece remaining in my empenna...
Task completed Skin prep Inspection hatch Parts prep Skin There is no dimple on the elevator, so the prep is pretty straightforward. As painful as always, I peeled off the plastic cover f...
TLDR Test twist Riveting Rivnuts Test fit with rudder Details After the wiring is laid into the VS assembly, I was able to install the skin and complete the vertical stabilizer. Tes...
TLDR installed wiring and connector for the vertical stabilizer Details Wiring I installed the wiring for the vertical stabilizer, which is required before closing the skin. The wire that ...
Task completed Replaced right rib 1 on elevator (EL-ASS-001-C-F-0 sheet 10) Riveted all ribs on elevator (EL-ASS-001-C-F-0 sheet 11) Detail Replacing rib1 Following the theme of rework, I...
TLDR Replaced rib 1 on vertical stabilizer Dimpled and test-fit skin on VS Details I received 3 replacement parts from Sling this week, unblocking my work on both vertical stabilizer and t...
TLDR Installed Delphi GT150 style connector to rudder Details After watching some videos on how to install Delphi connectors, I tried to install the first one on the rudder. This will be use...
Today is another easy day. I worked on vertical stabilizer (VS-ASS-001-C-F-0-A-6 sheet 20). TLDR Clecoed VS assembly minus skin Reamed a few holes Riveted VS assembly minus Rib 1 and Rib 5...
Overview Built a shelf similar to the EAA wing stand. Detail Today was a easy day. I built a stand to store horizontal stabilizer using some 2x4s. I bought all my material from Home Depot f...