Throttle quadrant
TLDR Built the throttle quadrant Details I’m back from a 3 week business trip and wanted to resume the work from something easy. So I picked throttle quadrant as my next project. I was thin...
TLDR Built the throttle quadrant Details I’m back from a 3 week business trip and wanted to resume the work from something easy. So I picked throttle quadrant as my next project. I was thin...
TLDR (Work in progress) tweaking control rods to rotate freely Prepared side skin Details Fitting the control rods I started to fit the control rods (joystick assembly, aileron torque tub...
TLDR Connected the center fuselage and rear fuselage Made some custom parts to mate bottom floor skin to fuselage ribs Details The problem So recently I riveted the center fuselage ribs t...
TLDR Installed the rudder pedals Details First step was easy. I cleaned the parts and installed the base plates that holds the rudder pedals. Then I installed the two sets of rudder pedal w...
TLDR Build the rear seats Details I have been jumping back and forth between different sections on the fuselage. I spent an weekend building the rear seat. It’s pretty straightforward, and ...
TLDR Some prep work and clecoed rear fuselage and center fuselage floor Details Rudder tension spring Installed two M5 rivnuts at the top end of the rear fuselage right under the luggage fl...
TLDR Assembled the nose wheel Built the front gear fork Details Nose wheel The inner tube had a L shape valve that needs to go through the rim. I spent a whole evening trying to figure ou...
TLDR Installed ribs to main/rear spars Rivnuts on various channels Started on bottom front floor skin Details Ribs on spars Took a while to complete, mainly due to access. The space bet...
TLDR Prepped the top rear fuselage top skin Clecoed the left half Details Per normal practice, I deburred, scoffed and cleaned the top skin for the rear fuselage. I sent an email to MPB t...
TLDR Connected tube for the static ports Ran wire for com1 antenna Installed luggage floor Partially assembled parachute box Installed longeron 111 and antenna doublers Details Last ...